Terms And Conditions

Terms And Conditions

By using the consultationly.com web site and making use of the Consultationly software product, a service offered by Consultationly (“the Company”), you are agreeing to be bound by the following Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions cover all present and future features provided by your Consultationly account, individually and collectively referred to as the “Service”.

If you are agreeing to these Terms and Conditions on behalf of a company or another legal entity, you represent that you have the authority to bind such entity, its affiliates and all users who access the Service through your account to these Terms and Conditions. In the absence of such an authority, you may not use the Service.

Users of the Service

This Service is provided exclusively to individuals who are at least 13 years of age, or to minors who have obtained parental or legal guardian consent to open and maintain an account.

This Service is provided exclusively to persons. Accounts registered by “bots” or automated methods are not authorized and will be terminated.

Each user is solely responsible for all of the content added to his or her account through the Service.

Use of the Service

You agree to not use this Service for any unlawful or prohibited activities. You also agree to not disrupt the Company’s networks and servers.

Having multiple free accounts is not considered an acceptable use of our service (e.g. bulk-signups, large number of free accounts created by a single organization or individual). Free accounts can also only be created and maintained by their effective users (e.g. it is not acceptable to create accounts in anyone else’s name and later transfer credentials to that third party).

The Company reserves the right to take actions against any free account considered abusive in that regard.

Trading or selling a Consultationly account to a third party is prohibited and the Company reserves the right to suspend infringing accounts.

We may also terminate accounts which are being used for illegal activities, particularly in response to court orders from the competent authorities informing us of such illegal activity.

The Company has no obligation to store or forward the contents of terminated accounts.

You acknowledge that the Company has no ability or obligation to recover your data if you have deleted it.

We reserve the right to suspend or delete accounts that are inactive for over three months. Paid accounts with active paid status are not subject to this measure.

Limited Warranties and Liability

The Company cannot make any warranty about the reliability of the Service or guarantee the security of user data, despite best efforts. The Service is provided “as is” and you agree to not hold the Company responsible nor to seek indemnification for any damages that may arise as a result of the loss of use, data, or profits connected to the performance of the Service or failure in such performance.

Furthermore, you will not hold the Company liable or seek indemnification if confidential material is unintentionally released as the result of a security failure or vulnerability in the performance of the Service.

We may make improvements and changes to the Service at any time without notice. The Company may at its sole discretion, terminate service without cause or notice.


You agree that the Company, and any parents, subsidiaries, officers, employees, or third party contractors cannot be held responsible for any third party claim, demand, or damages, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, arising out of your use of this Service.


Our Privacy Policy (https://consultationly.com/privacy-policy) explains the way we handle and protect your personal data and privacy in relation to your use of the Service and your browsing of the consultationly.com web site. By agreeing to the present Terms and Conditions and to be able to use the Service, you also agree to our Privacy Policy.

To the extent that Consultationly processes any personal data that is subject to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), on the user’s behalf, in the provision of the Service, the terms of the Consultationly Data Processing Agreement (https://consultationly.com/dpa), which are hereby incorporated by reference, shall apply.

Terms of Payment

Due to their nature, the paid Services provided by the Company are generally non-refundable and any refunds or credits given will be at the sole discretion of the Company. Paid accounts which are terminated due to a violation of these Terms and Conditions will incur the loss of all payments and credits and are not eligible for refund.

If the Company chooses to issue a refund for any reason, the Company is only obligated to refund in the original currency of payment and to the original payment method. If you request a credit balance to be converted between different currencies which the Company supports, the Company has discretion over the exchange rate applied.

The Company has the right to discontinue service immediately if a fraudulent payment is detected, such as the use of a stolen credit card, and such cases may be further referred to the competent authorities.

You authorize the Company to charge your selected payment method supplied on a monthly, bi-annually, or annually re-occurring basis (depending on your selection). Credit balances will also automatically be deducted on a monthly, bi-annual, or annual basis. You are responsible for keeping your payment method information up to date.

If you fail to fulfill your obligation of payment as a user of a paid account, we may suspend your account or delete it after an extended period of default.

If you rely on dispute or chargeback mechanisms of third-party payment processors and the result of that mechanism causes the Company to be liable for an amount exceeding the price paid for the service (e.g. dispute fee), you authorize the Company to charge that amount on your account.

Modification to Terms of Service

Within the limits of applicable law, the Company reserves the right to review and change this agreement at any time. You are responsible for regularly reviewing these Terms and Conditions. Continued use of the Service after such changes shall constitute your consent to such changes.

Applicable Law

This Agreement shall be governed in all respects by the substantive laws of Ireland. Any controversy, claim, or dispute arising out of or relating to the Agreement shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the competent courts of the Ireland.